Gay Marriages Arguments

Gay Marriages Arguments 70

Gay Marriages Arguments 98

Gay Marriage Footnotes & Sources The background and pro and con arguments were written by staff based upon input from the following footnotes (directly

An essay on why the arguments against gay marriage don’t hold up in the light of reason.

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Lesbian, gay, & bisexual topics Part 1 of 2 parts. All about gay marriages (aka. same-sex marriages & SSM), and civil unions and domestic partnerships).

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Religion, the Bible and same-sex marriages Menu The Bible & same-sex marriages (SSM) Sponsored link. There are no passages in the Bible that deal directly with same

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FOR Gay Adoption: AGAINST Gay Adoption: 1 – EQUAL RIGHTS MEANS JUST THAT. Civilized societies do not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, gender or sexuality

The bible presents clear and compelling arguments in opposition to gay marriages.

Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

Background, arguments, quotes and video on the issue, provided by a non-partisan group.

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Ten Arguments From Social Science Against Same-Sex Marriage By Family Research Council. A large and growing body of scientific evidence indicates that the intact

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Must-Reads. Why Christians can’t grasp our arguments against gay… Why Christians can’t grasp our arguments against gay ‘marriage’ Opinion By

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