Why Cant I Orgasm

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Which is why, for women, sleep orgasms can be confusing. There’s no proof they happen, so many women wonder: Was it just a dream, or did my body really climax?

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Ten percent of women have never had an orgasm. WebMD’s sexpert Louanne Cole Weston, PhD, reveals the two-part trick to having an orgasm.

Oral sex can be euphoric for some people and feel like a chore for others. Here’s why some people just can’t orgasm from it.

A new study suggests people who have trouble with orgasm really need to focus on arousal and sexual touch.

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Reasons You Don’t Have an Orgasm Let’s be honest — climaxing can be tricky at times. But learning to correct simple bedroom boo-boos can ensure you reach your peak

The female orgasm is the greatest mystery of our time. Here are 20 reasons she didn’t have an orgasm during sex.

(Anonymous’ question continued) I will try my hardest (as in I will work as long as I can) to help her reach orgasm, but she just can’t seem to.

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Anorgasmia is a type of sexual dysfunction in which someone has trouble orgasming or can’t come at all. We spoke with a woman who has never had an orgasm.

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Health Here’s Why So Many Women Can’t Orgasm During Sex This one goes out to all the vaginas that aren’t all that enthused by penetration alone.

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Having an orgasm shouldn’t be like solving a difficult math problem but for a lot of women, it really can seem like that. Cosmopolitan.com spoke with several doctors

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